Bank name Nedbank
Account name FYNBOSLIFE
Account number 1127617079
Branch code 198765
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Bank name Nedbank
Account name FYNBOSLIFE
Account number 1127617079
Branch code 198765
Please email proof of payment to
Would you like to create your own community or school garden? Why not start your own fundraising campaign for our Cape Flats Fynbos Nursery to grow plants for your project’s original veld type?
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Receiving the John Winter Prize for Best Stand on Show from Botanical Society of South Africa Chairperson Dirk Müller, at the Kirstenbosch Plant Fair (2015)
David Parry-Davies, Enviropaedia Editor, presenting Caitlin von Witt with a Silver Biodiversity Award for FynbosLIFE (2016)